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Posted by Webmaster on September 25, 2001 at 07:40:04:
In Reply to: Jay Schultz Critically Injured posted by Webmaster on September 25, 2001 at 07:37:45:
September 17, 2001
CAT scan showed more pronounced brain shift
Cistern (space) surrounding brain stem was becoming
less clear and more crowded
Surgery recommended

Surgery is craniectomy and partial removal of temporal
lobe at contusion (right side)
Removed 8-10 centimeters of skull
Temporal lobectomy
Removed damaged brain tissue from temporal and frontal
lobe areas
Doctors replaced the bone but did not anchor it down
in order to let brain expand for more swelling

Morphine, Verced, Paralytic - creates medical coma
Tegretol - anti seizure (precautionary, not dilantin
because of allergic reaction)
Manuitor - pulls fluid off of the brain
Lasix - reduces fluid in body
Pepsid - for stomach

Has central line - monitors heart (because of
Wears pressure cuffs on legs to prevent blood clots
and keep circulation going

Post Surgery
Will keep sedated for at least 24 hours as precaution
After removing tissue, the brain relaxed immediately
Pressure looks good
No complications during surgery
Doctors did not say how much tissue was removed
Placed new ICP monitor in skull

September 18, 2001
Cat Scan in morning showed normal brain alignment - no
longer a shift
Cistern around brain stem roomy now
Pressures during night became a bit higher
Changed ICP monitor to new monitor and added drain to
help pressure
Slight fever - was given Tylenol
Tylenol and drain are helping pressure
Will keep Jay medicated for another 24 hours since
they want ICP monitor to stay low and be more stable
before they try to wake up Jay

September 19, 2001
Mark, Matt, and I visited the hospital this evening.
Jay is stable and everyone seems to be doing pretty
well. If all goes well tonight, then tomorrow the
doctors will stop giving Jay the medication which is
creating the medical coma. Then hopefully Jay will
start to wake up. Tomorrow could be a big day if they
do take him off the meds. I'll keep you posted. Hope
you are all doing well. Amy

September 20, 2001
Amy and I visited the hospital during lunch. Jay is
doing ok. He has a slight fever and the doctors are
planning on taking him off of Manuitor (which pulls
fluid off the brain) today. If the pressure stays
normal without help of Manuitor, they will take him
off the medicines creating his medical coma tomorrow.
We continue to pray.

September 21, 2001
Amy and I visited the hospital this evening. Jay still
has a fever - 102 now. His pressure went up after the
doctors took him off of Manuitor yesterday, so he is
back on Manuitor and also one additional medicine (I
am not sure which one). It will be at least 48 more
hours until they try to reduce any of the medicine.

September 22, 2001
Yesterday was a difficult day for everyone. However,
today Jay's body has been responding positively to the
Manuitor (helps control cranial pressure). The
doctors have changed his dosage from every 3 hours to
every 4 hours (a good s

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